Most Frequently Asked Questions

Do you live Here?
Yes, the shop is right off our kitchen and I have a very short commute.
What are your Hours, When are you Open?
We are open by chance or appointment. Give us a call and we are happy to open at our customer's convenience. A call ahead is always advised, especially if traveling a distance.
Do you buy antiques?
Owning an antique shop is not like a gift shop where UPS drops off merchandise I've ordered from a catalog, I have to go and find great antiques to offer my customers. So yes! I buy regularly. I only buy country and primitive antiques.
What do you Collect?
I'm not a collector, but a decorator. I'm not an interior designer, but I love to decorate my home with appropriate antiques.
I tend to be a purest when it comes to my own home. I'd love to have a house full of Federal period antiques in the formal rooms and primitives in the back country rooms.
How did you get started and how did you learn about antiques?
My Grandmother and Great Aunt dabbled in the business, but never had a space of their own, so it's in my blood. I also grew up in a house full of antiques and when it came time to decorate my own first home, I shopped in my parents barn. My future husband and I fixed up their cast-offs and I got the bug. Then I decided I'd like to stay home and raise my children and simultaneously run my own home-based antiques business. So we looked for a house on a busy road, but not too busy, with space for a shop.
​Self taught, I read everything I can get my hands on including books, magazines, trade papers and on-line articles featuring and discussing antiques. I learn from my colleagues - fellow dealers who are always willing to share knowledge. I also visit house museums and see antiques in their original state.
How do you not keep everything?
When you are buying for a business and not yourself, it's a different frame of mind, although I always have my own personal shopping list!
Where do you find your antiques?
It's a constant search. I buy directly from homes and barns. I buy at auctions, shops, shows, estate & house sales and trips to New England, Pennsylvania and NY on buying trips searching for antiques in old paint and original surfaces.
Do you ship, offer layaway and take credit?
Yes, we ship regularly and are happy to make arrangements for larger items, including delivery.
Yes, we have a nice flexible layaway plan.
​Yes, we accept Master Card and Visa as well as personal checks.
Do you have any antiques in your House?
Of course! When you love them and you know their construction and history, it's impossible to buy furniture that comes in a box. Even with an active family and a beloved dog, we use all of our antiques everyday.